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Safe Transport of Children Committee

Committee Overview

The Safe Transport of Children (STC) Committee examines current resources and pursues research to develop specific and practical recommendations and promising practices for safely transporting children in ground ambulances.


Documents & Resources
Access pediatric safe transport-related materials and supporting committee documents below (to include meeting minutes, accessible by members only). Resources with descriptions can be found from the "STC Resources" button or through the NASEMSO document library via the "Library" button. 

A map of state requirements for pediatric-specific safe transport devices on ambulances is located on the Documents & Resources page. 

 STC Resources Library

Goals and Committee Projects


  • To recommend the criteria or specifications for proper restraint of children in ambulances. Such criteria will be evidence-based and will consider safety of both patients and providers.
  • To have the recommended criteria adopted by one or more accredited standard setting organizations.
  • To develop a strategy and resources for educating EMS providers on safely transporting children in ground ambulances based on the recommended criteria or standards.


In June 2024, NASEMSO concluded the first phase its proposed testing of child restraint devices in ambulances project. Funded by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's Office of EMS, the project resulted in the creation of three separate draft test methods:

  1. Seated Patient or Uninjured Passenger
  2. Supine Patient
  3. Neonate Supine Patient
To learn more about this project and future phases, view the project webpage. 

Committee Leadership & Staff Support


Eric Hicken, CPM, EMT-P
EMSC Program Manager
New Jersey Office of EMS

Vice Chair

Cynthia Wright-Johnson, MSN, RN
EMS for Children Program Director
Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems

Staff Liaison

Rachael Alter
Program Manager
Contact Rachael