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Community Paramedicine – Mobile Integrated Health (CP-MIH) Committee

Committee Overview

The CP-MIH Committee serves as a discussion and information platform for state EMS officials with an interest in the evolving CP-MIH field. The Committee and staff work on projects such as keeping abreast of state statutory and regulatory developments related to CP-MIH. It also offers a forum for related events occurring in states as they are happening.

The  Community Paramedicine Insights Forum (CPIF) is a project sponsored by NASEMSO, the National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health, and the Center for Leadership, Innovation and Research in EMS (CLIR). It is intended to serve as a regular meeting place, educational opportunity and discussion group for those folks trying to establish community paramedicine services or systems on a local, regional or statewide basis.

Documents & Resources
Access CP-MIH-related materials and supporting committee documents via the "Library" button. 

Mission and Projects


To support state EMS office efforts in exploring and developing, as appropriate, the emerging role of EMS in MIH-CP.


Committee Leadership & Staff Support


Emily Bergquist

Division Director

Michigan Bureau of Emergency Preparedness, EMS, & Systems of Care 

Vice Chair


Staff Liaison

Andy Gienapp

Deputy Executive Director
Contact Andy